Articles Written by

Hansika Sharma

40% of LinkedIn users interact with business pages every week. If you do not have a LinkedIn company page yet,  you are potentially missing out on a lot of relevant eyeballs, which could help strengthen your business’s reputation and awareness.

While you might feel that an optimized LinkedIn profile along with publishing regularly on the platform is enough, it is most certainly not. You might end up building an authoritative personal brand, but there’s more to it.

What if your audience that discovers you through your personal profile wants to know more about your company?

What if they want to check out your services?

What if they want to apply for a role you’re looking to fill?

Your personal LinkedIn profile is about you. You need a separate landing page solely for your business. Let us learn more about the benefits of creating your company page on LinkedIn.

Advantages of Creating a LinkedIn Company Page:

1. It acts as a trust engine.

It is 2024, and just having a website isn’t enough. Your prospective customers and candidates will do an exhaustive search across the internet to find anything and everything about your company. A LinkedIn business page helps you reiterate your brand’s mission, vision, and values. This, along with regular content publishing helps build trust and assures them that they are choosing a good solution partner.

2. It helps you rank higher and get more website traffic.

LinkedIn content is indexed by search engines. Regular updates on your company page can increase your visibility in search engine results, driving more organic traffic to your website. Please note that links from the LinkedIn company page to your website are usually no-follow links. This means they won’t directly boost your website's SEO ranking like do-follow backlinks do. However, they can still drive traffic to your site and increase your visibility, which is always a good thing!

3. It helps you generate relevant leads.

LinkedIn company pages also let you run highly targeted, objective-based ads on the platform. If you’d like to add more leads and fill in your pipeline, you can experiment with running a couple of campaigns for Conversion Ads & Lead Gen Forms to find out which one works better for you. Without a company page, you can only run Thought Leader Ads, which are not very useful and relevant for lead generation.

4. It helps you recruit the right talent.

Every week, about 61 million people actively look for a job on LinkedIn. It is one of the most preferred platforms for potential candidates to look for the right opportunity and for companies to attract the right talent. With your company page on LinkedIn, this process becomes extremely seamless and you can post a job in just a few clicks. 

Let us now look at the different types of company pages you can create on LinkedIn.

3 Different Types Of LinkedIn Company Pages

When you create a company page, you get to choose from the three options. Let us look at each of them separately.

1. Company:

A company page on LinkedIn is a typical business page for a company or organization of any size - small, medium, or large. It is designed to promote the company’s brand, share updates, and engage with followers, including customers, employees, and other stakeholders. 

Here’s an example of a good company page:

2. Showcase Page:

A showcase page on LinkedIn is a sub-page linked to a company page that allows businesses to highlight specific products, services, or initiatives. It is designed to create a dedicated space for marketing different aspects of a company, catering to different set of audiences. 

Here’s an example of a good showcase page:

3. Educational Institution:

An educational institution page on LinkedIn is a specialized page designed for schools, colleges, universities, and other educational organizations to build their presence on LinkedIn. 

Here’s an example of a good educational institution page:

Let us now go through the step-by-step process of creating a business page on LinkedIn.

How to Create a Business Page on LinkedIn

Here’s a detailed step-by-step guide to help you create your LinkedIn company page:

Step 1: Sign In to LinkedIn (if you haven’t already)

Head over to and sign into the platform using your credentials. Please note that you need to have an existing LinkedIn account in order to create a business page.

Step 2: Head To “Create a Company Page” Button 

Click on the “For Business” icon (a grid) in the top right corner of your LinkedIn homepage. At the bottom of the dropdown menu, click on “Create a Company Page”.

Step 3: Choose the Type of Company Page

LinkedIn will present you with options for the types of pages you can create, including Company (small, medium, and large businesses), Showcase page, and Educational institution (schools and universities). Choose the one that is relevant to your organization.

Step 4: Fill In The Basic Company Details

  • Name: Enter your company’s officially registered name or brand name.
  •*: Create a public URL for your LinkedIn company page. LinkedIn will inform you about the availability of your chosen URL. If you type “xyz”, your LinkedIn public URL will be
  • Website: Enter your company’s website URL.
  • Industry: Start typing your industry name and select the most relevant option.
  • Organization Size: Select the appropriate size of your company based on the number of employees.
  • Organization Type: Select the type of company, such as public, private, nonprofit, etc.

Step 5: Add Your Logo and Tagline

  • Logo: Upload a high-quality image of your company’s logo. The recommended size is 300 x 300 pixels.
  • Tagline: Enter a brief tagline that summarizes your company’s mission or value proposition in 120 characters or less.

Please note that all images must be in PNG or JPEG format and should not exceed a maximum file size of 3MB.

Step 6: Review and Create Page

On the right-hand side, you will find a preview of the information you’ve entered. You can review the data here before you proceed. Once you are satisfied, mark the verification box to state that you have the authority to represent the company or school. Finally, click on the “Create Page” button.

Step 7: Complete Your LinkedIn Company Page

Now, you will be able to access the admin view of your LinkedIn company page. This is a dashboard where you can manage and make adjustments to your page.

Once you reach here in the final stage, you can fill in the following sections:

  • About Us: Write a detailed description of your company in this section. It should expand on your tagline and include relevant keywords to increase discoverability. The character limit for this section is 2000 words, and LinkedIn lets you write and publish this in multiple languages.
  • Location: It is a good idea to include at least one location for your company. This can be your company registered or HQ location. Remote companies who do not have a physical office can leave it empty. 
  • Cover Image: Upload a cover image that represents your brand. Many brands choose a different format of their existing logo or latest marketing campaigns. Ensure that it matches your brand colors, font, and overall vibe. The recommended size is 1128 x 191 pixels.

You can also include a company telephone number, the year your company was founded, and add LinkedIn groups that you wish to display on your page.

Once you’ve gone through the steps above, your LinkedIn company page has been successfully created and is ready for sharing. Take some time to explore your page further and check if all fields are completed.

How To Manage Your LinkedIn Company Page?

Just creating a company page on LinkedIn isn’t enough. Once you have published the page, it is important to ensure that the company page remains active, engaging, and aligned with your business goals.

Add Relevant Members

The best way to make sure that your company page stays active is to assign the responsibility to some of your most trusted team members. You can add them as administrators to make sure that they have the necessary permission to post updates, respond to leads, and make necessary changes. 

Depending on their role and position at your company, there are different types of admins you can appoint to your page:

  1. Super Admins: They have full access to all permissions, including adding and removing other admins.
  2. Content Admins: They can modify the page's content and publish posts. They can also respond to incoming messages and look at the performance data.
  3. Analysts: They can only review the page’s performance analytics and export data.

Monitor Your Analytics

What gets measured, gets improved. Regularly monitor LinkedIn page analytics to track key metrics such as unique views and impressions across different areas, including content and visitor analytics. You can use these analytics to evaluate the effectiveness of your content strategy and make data-driven decisions.

Encourage Your Colleagues To Set Up LinkedIn Accounts

Do you know what’s better than consistent activity on your LinkedIn company page? It is ensuring that in addition to posting on the company page, all your team members are active on LinkedIn and posting about the company while tagging them in your posts. This ensures that your prospective candidates have your company on top of mind and you’re able to stand out from the rest of the players in the market. If your team does not have an updated LinkedIn profile yet, this is the time to encourage them to do it while their most recent role links to your company page. 

Define Content Guidelines For Your Brand

When you start posting on your LinkedIn company page, it is important to maintain consistency in tone, writing style, and content type. Develop concise and clear guidelines to uphold quality across all posts and ensure alignment with your brand objectives and values.

Build Out A Social Media Calendar

The best way to ensure consistency on social media is to prepare a well-thought-out social media content calendar that is effortless to follow. Pages on LinkedIn that post weekly experience 5.6 times more follower growth. When you plan and schedule content well in advance, you will never miss a week of posting. It will also allow you to think of original ideas rather than create something random because you cannot miss posting. 

What To Post On Your LinkedIn Business Page?

Let us break this down into two subsections: 

  1. Different ideas of content
  2. Different formats of content

5 Types of Content Ideas for Your Company Page:

Company Updates

Keep your target audience informed about your business activities by sharing updates such as product launches, event announcements, and special offers, among other things. You can also share recent news articles, press releases, and media coverage featuring your company to generate interest and authenticity.

Case Studies

Case studies are a powerful way to show your product or service in action by demonstrating how you solved a problem for a customer. They are especially effective for B2B content marketing. By highlighting real-world examples of how you solved a particular problem for a customer, you can help your prospects understand the impact of your products or services.

Thought-Leadership Content

Sharing insightful and authoritative content can position your company as a leader in the industry and attract the right kind of eyeballs. This can include posting your analysis of recent trends and developments, offering perspectives on how they might impact the future and how-to guides.

Company Culture Posts

Nothing is more refreshing and human than showcasing your company culture, including how you treat your team and service your customers. This allows you to highlight your company’s mission, values and vision through posts that reflect your organizational ethos.

Featured Partners

You should repost content created for your brand and tag key partners, such as clients, collaborators, and sponsors. Sharing their content, especially when it includes testimonials and reviews, can build trust and credibility with your audience.

Now that you have a few content ideas in your head, let us dive into different post formats:

7 Different Types of Content Formats For Your LinkedIn Business Page

Text-Only Posts

When you want to share a personal story, experience or insight about a particular topic that requires a thoughtful explanation but not in length, then consider using text-only posts. The character limit for posts is 3000 characters. LinkedIn wants to keep users engaged on the platform so avoid using external links. It may impact the reach of your posts negatively.


Carousels are best for sharing tips, short presentations or case study. Keep the presentation dimensions to 1080 x 1080 or 1920 x 1080 and save the document as a PDF. Try to design the presentation in a consistent format in terms of elements, fonts, and color scheme used.


Articles are the best for sharing thought leadership content. You can use it to write in-depth pieces of analysis that really go deep into a particular topic. Try to make it more digestible by breaking it down into sections, using headers and bullet points.


If you want to share a milestone like an accomplishment and anniversaries, occasions can be your best bet. The celebration option allows you to make a short announcement in cases where an entire post might be irrelevant and lengthy.


There are two types of events on LinkedIn:

  1. In-person Events: They are organized offline at a physical venue and can be promoted on LinkedIn.
  2. Online Events: They can be of three types:

Audio Events:
These are real-time, audio-only conversations without video, screen sharing, or text chat. Audio events can go live directly on LinkedIn without third-party tools.
LinkedIn Live Events:
These are streamed on LinkedIn with real-time comment interactions and a recording available on your page or profile. They require LinkedIn live access and a third-party streaming tool.
External Events:
Hosted off LinkedIn but promoted on LinkedIn. Here, organizers must share an external link for attendees.

Native Videos

Native videos are great for case studies, explainer videos, and client testimonials. Please note that the maximum allowed video length is 10 minutes.


Polls are extremely useful to collect quick insights while also starting a discussion. You can use them more within groups rather than your wider public network to target a specific group of respondents.

7 Best Practices For Your LinkedIn Company Page

1. Complete Company Page Details:

Most business pages on LinkedIn are incomplete and have several sections missing, which makes it difficult for their target audience to discover them. Make sure that all fields on your LinkedIn company page are fully completed, especially your company name, website URL, company size, and a detailed “About Us” section.

2. Add Relevant Page Admins:

As mentioned in one of the previous sections, it is as important to keep a company page active and running as it is to create the page. Delegate posting to your social media team by adding them as admins to help manage the company page. Please note that to be added as an admin, one must follow the LinkedIn page. 

3. Post Consistently:

Once you have a team in place, ask them to maintain a social media calendar and regular posting schedule to keep your audience engaged. Consistency in frequency and timing of the posts helps build and retain followers. The best time to post on LinkedIn is when your target audience is most active and the best way to figure that out is to experiment with different posting times.

4. Engage With Your Audience:

Actively interact with your audience by replying to comments, addressing their questions, and joining discussions. Try maintaining an engagement routine by setting aside dedicated time for certain days in a week to browse your LinkedIn feed, identify relevant posts and leave thoughtful comments.

5. Customize Your Call-to-Action Button:

If you have a landing page or destination for your visitors that is different from your website, LinkedIn lets you customize the call-to-action button on your company page by selecting a suitable CTA from the dropdown menu. For example, if your primary service is online training sessions, consider customizing the call-to-action button as “Sign Up” or “Register” to direct traffic to your dedicated landing page.

6. Try LinkedIn Ads:

If you have a dedicated budget for performance marketing, you can use LinkedIn ads to reach a larger, targeted audience. Sponsored content, InMail, and display ads can help increase your company’s visibility. It can come very handy while running specific campaigns. However, if you do not want to run a full ad campaign, you can also boost a particular post as a quick, low-investment alternative. 

7. Include Images:

LinkedIn posts with images see twice as many comments. LinkedIn has also observed that custom image collages (featuring 3-4 images in a single post) perform extremely well for organizations. While visual content tends to perform better than text-only posts, you should still avoid posting irrelevant images that are not contextual to the topic of the post.


Creating a LinkedIn company page is not just about having a presence on another social media platform. It’s about positioning your business in a professional network that values expertise and growth, which ultimately opens a multitude of opportunities for your brand.

We work with executives and industry experts to help them build authority & thought leadership on LinkedIn. If you’d like to squeeze the most out of LinkedIn’s potential, feel free to schedule a call with us.

min read

Looking to create a company page on LinkedIn? Check out this step-by-step guide along with 7 best practices.

Written by
Hansika Sharma

Start Your Personal Branding Journey Today!

Business begins with trust. Trust is built with reputation. Let’s explore what reputation-driven business growth can mean to your business.